Eravacycline Conference Call: Unrevealing and Disappointing

Whatever has become of investigative journalism?  All we read after the Stifel conference call (11/17/2015) is descriptive rehash of information provided by Tetraphase at the conference.  No probing questions that we thought investors would ask who just lost 80% of Continue reading Eravacycline Conference Call: Unrevealing and Disappointing

Mme Erava and The Mysterious Case of Auto-Combustion

SH: My dear Watson, did you read the news of the astonishing debacle that befell Mme Erava and made the headlines, creating anxiety of hitherto unknown proportions in Tetraland? Dr.W.: A disaster of epic proportions, for sure, and a mystery, an Continue reading Mme Erava and The Mysterious Case of Auto-Combustion