Were you aware that…
- there is also an amphotericin A which has antifungal properties? It has a broader spectrum but is much less potent than Amphotericin B and therefore not being used. [1]
- in 1946, the first truly randomized and partially blinded study was started in Britain under the leadership of the Medical Research Council comparing streptomycin to placebo in the treatment of culture-proven pulmonary TB? [2]
- tetracyclines are used to good effect in onchocerciasis and other filarial diseases? The worms are totally dependent on Wolbachia bacteria for reproduction, and doxycycline therapy effectively shuts down the generation of microfiliaria. [3]
- bones of ancient Nubians were found to contain high amounts of tetracyclines? Anthropologists believe the source may be beer brewed with grain containing Streptomycetes, consumed by Nubians at an early age already. [4]
[1] Halde. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1957; 28: 217
[2] Crofton. J R Soc Med. Oct 2006; 99: 531
[3] Pfarr. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2006; 6: 203
[4] Basset. Science 1980; 209: 1532
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