MRSA Fluoroquinolones – An Interesting Bunch Playing a High-Stakes Game

Fluoroquinolones (FQ) of the ofloxacin/ciprofloxacin generation were mainly active against Gram-negative bacteria, distinguishing themselves as cidal IV/PO drugs with high potency against most lactose- and non-lactose fermenters.  They were excellent against problem pathogens like P. aeruginosa, had excellent efficacy against Salmonellae, the Gonococcus Continue reading MRSA Fluoroquinolones – An Interesting Bunch Playing a High-Stakes Game

A GO / NO GO decision:  Delafloxacin Stumbles in Gonorrhea Study

The treatment history of N. gonorrhoeae makes for fascinating reading.  This organism has always been able to keep the upper hand in the war of bug versus drug.  Once susceptible to sulfa drugs, to penicillin, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, it sequentially Continue reading A GO / NO GO decision:  Delafloxacin Stumbles in Gonorrhea Study