Gepotidacin ABSSSI – How to Fail Adaptively


Gepotidacin Study in ABSSSI – A Statistician’s Delight The design of the O’Riordan ABSSI study [1] deserves comment.  This was a double-blind study of 2 lower dose arms (Part 1) with an add-on open-label (Part 2) high-dose arm. The pimary Continue reading Gepotidacin ABSSSI – How to Fail Adaptively

A Critical Review of WHO’s List of Antibacterials in Clinical Development

WHO compiles a list of antibacterials in clinical development on a regular basis, the last in mid-2024 [1].  The information is up-to-date and detailed: it provides MoA and antibacterial spectrum, coverage of problem pathogens, the development phase, and whether it Continue reading A Critical Review of WHO’s List of Antibacterials in Clinical Development

Some Thoughts about the New Coronavirus Syndrome and its Transmission

First and upfront, let’s call this virus WARS*, which stands for Wuhan Associated Respiratory Syndrome.  President Xi Jingping called for a war against the new virus, and a war it is.  Therefore our acronym makes intuitive sense.  The naming of Continue reading Some Thoughts about the New Coronavirus Syndrome and its Transmission

Connections: From Mima/Herellea to Acinetobacter to the Double Helix to Lwoff to … CRAB

There once was a Scientific American section authored by science historian James Burke called ‘Connections”. In it James Burke, a true renaissance man, showed us how an ‘internet’ of serendipitous encounters, connections between persons, places and events led to advances Continue reading Connections: From Mima/Herellea to Acinetobacter to the Double Helix to Lwoff to … CRAB

The Weak Correlation Between Antibiotic Action and Mortality

At the recent FDA workshop on narrow-spectrum antibiotic development[1], the concept of using bacteriological response (BR) as an efficacy endpoint was flat-out rejected. The reason given is the purported lack of correlation between BR and survival/mortality which FDA considers the Continue reading The Weak Correlation Between Antibiotic Action and Mortality