All Smiles at the Press Conference: Plazo+Levo Delivers

This December, Achaogen released much data on 2 plazomicin trials[1]: the pivotal EPIC study comparing plazomicin / levofloxacin with meropenem / levofloxacin in cUTI is the one we want to look at today because it is interpretable, while the other trial Continue reading All Smiles at the Press Conference: Plazo+Levo Delivers

CDC Report on Pan-Resistant NDM Klebsiella in Nevada– A Sad Tale

During the past few weeks the case of a patient with MDR Klebsiella infection has made the news. We are told that this particular pathogen is “resistant to 26 antibiotics”. We were informed that the patient had multiple prior hospitalizations Continue reading CDC Report on Pan-Resistant NDM Klebsiella in Nevada– A Sad Tale

QIDP Drug Update – Part 1: An Updated Who Is Who

It is time for a new look at the field of QIDP drugs. Today we are providing an updated searchable database which now has 57 entries. (Status: 10/18/16)[table id=24 /] Despite best efforts to provide accurate information, errors may have crept in. Please Continue reading QIDP Drug Update – Part 1: An Updated Who Is Who

The EpiPen Episode, an Epitaph on Epinephrine as we know it, an Epilogue and an Epiphany

For a good long time, economists have been thinking about the reimbursement quandary for antibiotics, esp. antibacterials. They are just too cheap, right?  Well, with the exception of HCV and some newer HIV drugs, few compounds have ever reached the Continue reading The EpiPen Episode, an Epitaph on Epinephrine as we know it, an Epilogue and an Epiphany

AZD-0914: A New Broad-Spectrum Narrow-Development Path Drug

At first glance, the list of features that distinguish AZD-0914 from other FQ seems impressive: broad Gram-positive and Gram-negative activity, MRSA and MSSA activity, potency against fluoroquinolone (FQ)-resistant isolates, low frequency for S. aureus resistance, and impressive activity against C. Continue reading AZD-0914: A New Broad-Spectrum Narrow-Development Path Drug